Our Story

The Beginning

Hey there! I’m Bryan Aycoth, the founder of Eternally Equipped. Our team is on a mission to share the love of Jesus to a lost world. Here is my story.  Growing up, I was raised in the church, (thank you Mom), so I knew who Jesus was but I didn’t have a personal relationship with him. I was very lost chasing all the wrong things and it was in 2008 when I found myself in a difficult and lonely place, needing to be saved!  That’s when Jesus changed my life and pointed me in the right direction, and I started following Him. 

The Journey

For the next several years, as God was working on me, I kept feeling the nudge to do more for the Kingdom and to share the love of Jesus, but I didn’t know how, or what my role in His plan would be. In 2021, after finding myself reading and studying the Bible more than ever, God put on my heart to start a clothing business that glorifies and celebrates Him.  When He asked me to point others to Him through apparel, all the nudges finally made sense.  That day Eternally Equipped was created!

Throughout this period, I was building a successful 13+ year career in Corporate America. However, deep down, I was certain that Eternally Equipped was my true calling. Therefore, we worked on EE part-time until, in less than two years, I received a clear message from the Lord prompting me to fully commit and resign from my corporate position. So in 2023, thats what we did, we took a leap of faith, and since then, we have seen the hand of God lead us and our company to remarkable growth in just a short time.

A simple "Hey I like your shirt" could turn into a conversation starter to change someone's life.


We are a family run business, based in north Florida, and the name Eternally Equipped, represents how we, as Christians, belong to the Kingdom of God. It is the constant reminder that Jesus in Lord of our lives and we are equipped to spend Eternity with Him in Heaven. 

John 5:24 Jesus says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."

We are an every day clothing brand, not just on Sundays, and believe that everyday is an opportunity to wear who we belong to and to help point souls to Christ. If what we wear can help spark a conversation to share the hope and promise of our Savior, then let's be Kingdom Builders and equip ourselves to glorify him and lead others to be Eternally Equipped!

EE Gives Back

Being a Christian company, we know that Eternally Equipped is not our brand, this is God's brand!  To help spread the Gospel and further the message of Jesus Christ, we give 10%+ of our proceeds back to the Kingdom. In additional we partner with several different churches and non-profit organizations to help share the Gospel to the next generation and ultimately, all creation.  When you buy from Eternally Equipped, please know that with every purchase you're contributing to help someone hear the good news!  This is not about us, All the glory goes to God! 

In just a short time we have built an amazing community together, and I'm so grateful for your support.  I'm looking forward to sharing the love of Jesus alongside every one of you.  We wouldn’t be here without all of YOU!

Bryan Aycoth

Founder of Eternally Equipped

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© 2024 Eternally Equipped,


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